Türkiye-Interviews On Migrants Refugees

Students of Ulusoy Maritime Technology Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School Conduct Interviews on Migrants/Refugees in Turkey Within the Scope of the "Beyond Boundaries: People" Project

As part of the Erasmus+ project "Beyond Boundaries: People," coordinated by France, students from Ulusoy Maritime Technology Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in Turkey conducted comprehensive interviews to learn about local perspectives and experiences related to refugees in their district. The students asked various questions to gather opinions, particularly about Syrian, Afghan, and Iraqi asylum seekers.

The topic of social integration was also addressed. The public was asked to share their observations about whether Syrians living in Turkey have integrated into society. Additionally, opinions were sought on Turkey's "open-door policy" and the reasons why many Syrians are reluctant to return to their home country.

The questions also focused on the impacts of Turkey being the country hosting the highest number of refugees. Concerns about the demographic structure of Asylum seekers and their role in the labor market were among the issues discussed. In particular, statements from the President of the Izmir Chamber of Tradesmen and Craftsmen about the sector stood out as a key point in the interview.

The students of Ulusoy Maritime Technology Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School stated that their goal with this interview project was to raise social awareness and contribute to the "Beyond Boundaries: People" initiative.